• info@gap-international.org

Improved life
for single
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life for
every Child
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New Hope For
every Child
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Teenage pregnancies on the rise

Teenage pregnancies on the rise

We are here to suport every unmarried teenage mother/father to continue formal education and skills acquisition

We are here to suport every unmarried teenage mother/father to continue formal education and skills acquisition

GAP International - “Bridging the gap between young single parents, success and community inclusion”

Our Objectives

Our Strategies

How do I join?

We believe that all humans are equal especially in rights and opportunities

We believe that all humans are equal especially in rights and opportunities

Join us in this cause for young single parents

Join us in this cause for young single parents


A community where all disadvantaged and isolated young people, particularly single mothers/fathers and their children live an improved life and achieve their full potential..


To assist single teenage parents in navigating through challenges of poverty, ill-health, abandonment and other socio-cultural, religious and economic challenges facing them.
Give a helping hand to single teenage parents

Give a helping hand to single teenage parents

We engage with governments at various levels to advocate for improvement of policies and procedures in favour of young people, women, especially young unmarried mothers and their children in various communities.  







We are currently domiciled in the United Kingdom and Nigeria while we expand to other parts of the world.

We are currently domiciled in the United Kingdom and Nigeria while we expand to other parts of the world.

Become A Volunteer

Become A Volunteer

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